Q: When I click on a download link music starts playing but I am not prompted with a “Save” dialog box, why is this?Ī: Some web browsers have a built or added-in media player like Quicktime. Some browsers will save your downloads in your “Downloads” folder on your computer. You can then select the destination of your downloaded MP3 file. Q: Where do my downloaded MP3 files go when they are downloaded?Ī: When you click on a download link you should be prompted with a “Save” dialog box. Both types of computers will need an MP3 player such as: iTunes, Winamp, or Microsoft’s Windows Media Player in order to play the music files.
Q: Will MP3 files work on both Macintosh/Apple and PC computers?Ī: Yes, MP3 files will work on both Macintosh/Apple and PC computers. Please note that MP3 purchases are non-refundable. We have put what information we have about different systems and configurations below. Because there are so many different system configurations, our staff is not able to assist with technical/installation issues. Please purchase MP3 files only if you are comfortable downloading files.
Sound Oasis uses the standard MP3 format, so our digital files will play on virtually any computer or portable audio player, including iPods.
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Searches with variants of "sh-sh" (in quotation marks) turn up stuttering like "Sh Sh Sh Shark Attack!" or abbreviations like the career portal "SH SH", but no shushing, so usage appears to contradict the OED and confirm Lauren's answer. Shhhhh - 672.000 (and Google asks if I mean "shhh") In Google the variants return the following number of hits: shh - 5.210.000 I understand this to mean that Ainsley is not stuttering but shushing "him" through a prolonged sh.Ĭonsequently the OED lists this variant under " Forms: Also sh-sh-sh." The second example is from Boyd Cable and contradicts Lauren's stuttering example: Molloy!’ ‘Sh!’ Grayce might have retorted that she had sh-ed and that if she sh-ed any further she could become inaudible. She uttered a ‘Sh!’ of such significance that Grayce instinctively lowered her voice. Wodehouse and uses the vers sh as we would expect: Now what is interesting are the examples the OED gives. To reduce to silence or tranquillity with the sound of ‘sh!’, or attempt to do so. To call or reduce (someone) to silence by uttering the sounds denoted by sh-sh. The Oxford English Dictionary definies it as: